Mission: Curb drug crisis in Indiana

You’ve heard of the federal Cancer Moonshot initiative to speed qlong research, come up with more therapies and prevent and detect cancer sooner.

<img class="wp-image-147018 size-medium" src="http://www.dailyjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2017/02/20170202dj-gov-holcomb08-1-222×300.jpg" alt="Indiana Govenor Eric Holcomb stopped by the Daily Journal to speak to Michele Holtkamp and Annie Goellar on Tuesday. Scott Roberson / Daily Journal" width="222" height="300" /> Indiana Govenor Eric Holcomb stopped by the Daily Journal to speak to Michele Holtkamp and Annie Goellar on Tuesday. Scott Roberson / Daily Journal

Gov. Eric Holcomb has his own moonshot in mind, and said the goal he is focused on would be the accomplishment of his life, if he can get it done.

He wants to curb the crisis of drug addiction in Indiana and is calling on Hoosiers to help him attack it "with everything that we have."

"If I could accomplish one thing in life, just granted one wish, it would be to change the trajectory that we’re on right now and bend it down," Holcomb said.

<em>See Saturday’s Daily Journal for the full story.</em>