Letter: Tax plan will make America great again

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

President Trump went to Washington with a message to the career politicians and special interests that was loud and clear –- change is coming. One of the biggest changes promised was reforming our totally outdated tax code.

That’s why I was glad to see the White House’s outline for tax reform recently released. This plan will not only help create jobs for Hoosiers, but also will help level the playing field for American companies.

While the details are still being ironed out, one proposed change from Republicans being considered will get rid of the incentive for companies to ship jobs overseas, a phenomenon that has destroyed American manufacturing.

This problem can be even further addressed if the administration pursues a border adjustment provision which has been discussed as a method of paying for the plan.

I worked hard to help elect President Trump, and I know he and his team are working hard to ensure we have a thriving economy that delivers results for Americans.

As this fight continues, I hope he’ll continue to fight for American manufacturers and workers to ensure the playing field is more level than ever before. With true tax reform he can continue the business of making America great again.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Daniel Eberle</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Franklin</strong></p>