What’s in a name? Apparently confusion

Despite being on TV in Indianapolis for almost 40 years, people constantly confuse me with other people with a similar name. Here are letters I have actually received in the mail or by email along with a few I just made up for fun. Can you guess which are which?

<strong>Dear Dick:</strong>

My grass has turned a putrid brown color. It looks so terrible I won’t even let my nine dogs go out there anymore. Suggestions?

<strong>A fan, Mary</strong>

<strong>Dear Mary,</strong>

You have confused me with Dick Crum. Nevertheless, I think you have already made some progress in combating this problem.

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<strong>Dear Dick</strong><strong>,</strong>

Your show is great. I especially like the “DOINK DOINK” sound that plays at the beginning of each scene. Did I spell that correctly?

<strong>Thanks, Mrs. Gladys Kir</strong><strong>chenbaum</strong>

<strong>Dear Mrs. Kirchenbaum,</strong>

There is no DOINK DOINK sound during my show. You are confusing me with Dick Wolf, executive producer of “Law &amp; Order.” I wrote Dick Wolf and told him I was getting a lot of his fan mail and that I would forward all of it. I asked if he could forward mine to me, as well.

Nothing yet.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

Just saw you on TV. You have more hair now than I remember. Who do you think is gonna win the NCAA this year?


<strong>Dear Tim,</strong>

I had a hair transplant. And by the way, I am not Dick Vitale.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

I turned on the TV last Tuesday and saw you in tight shorts.

What happened to that buff body you once had?

<strong>Sincerely, Donna</strong>

<strong>Dear Donna</strong>

I have never had a muscular body. You are thinking of Dick the Bruiser.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

There is no question in my mind: you are the cleverest guy ever to have a talk show.

<strong>Regards, Joe</strong>

<strong>Dear Joe,</strong>

Thanks, but I am not Dick Cavett. Darn it.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

What’s it like being married to a witch?


<strong>Dear Sally,</strong>

I am not Dick York or Dick Sargent from “Bewitched.” And I am hiding this letter from Mary Ellen.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

You never seem to age. I love watching you every New Year’s Eve.

<strong>Best regards,</strong>

<strong>Rob Manley</strong>

<strong>Dear Mr. Manley:</strong>

You must have meant to contact Dick Clark. Despite my old Facebook page photo, I am rapidly aging. If you are not confusing me with Dick Clark, please stop stalking me.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

I have enjoyed your business show for many years, except you never give stock advice. Why is that?


<strong>Dear Al,</strong>

I guess I could give you stock advice, except I’m not Gary Dick.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

You had the funniest sitcom on TV. I watch all the reruns. I would have loved to meet Mary Tyler Moore.

<strong>Sincerely, Ellen.</strong>

<strong>Dear Ellen,</strong>

I am not Dick Van Dyke. And, by the way, I would have loved to meet her, too.

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<strong>Dear Dick,</strong>

I admire what you have done for civil rights.

<strong>All</strong> <strong>the best, Denise</strong>

<strong>Dear Denise,</strong>

You are confusing me with Dick Gregory. Happens all the time.