Letter: Pro-Trump writer isn’t alone in fight against faux journalism

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

This correspondence is in response to and support of a recent letter to the editor titled: "Losing side can’t stop bashing Trump," penned by Judy Coleman of Bargersville.

Pleased to have yet another Johnson County reader of the Daily Journal speak out in writing, protesting the faux journalism and slanted opinions of Dan Thomasson, trustee, and Franklin College professors, too oft printed on the Opinion page of the newspaper. You are not alone Ms. Coleman!

A while back I considered penning a column for the Opinion page, but simply never got around to it. Seems I’m too busy making payroll each week, as a local businessman, to find extra time for such a pursuit. Now, if I was a college professor or trustee, with time on my hands, and leftist opinions on the tip of my tongue, it’d be easier to accomplish that end.

Had I prepared said column, it’s somewhat hackneyed title would have been: "People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones!" Isn’t that a lesson the "Dump Trump," Trump haters and Democrat revenge campaigners should bear in mind until they get over losing the presidential election?

After all, look at the news coming out now, about former President Obama and his awareness of Russian attempted election meddling, but unwillingness to do anything about it ….

In the meantime, I’m simply grateful there are citizens, out and about, like Ms. Coleman of Bargersville, Elva Delks of Greenwood and Floyd Shirrell of Indianapolis, who take time to express their opposition to white space wasted on the errant views and inflammatory rhetoric of Thomasson, Carlson and Krull, in Johnson County, and Matthew Tully in Indianapolis.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>George Allen</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right">Indianapolis</p>