Letter: Good Samaritans turn day into enjoyable one

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p>
<p>What seemed at first to be a minor disaster turned into a very pleasant afternoon in Franklin.</p>
<p>I am a 93-year-old, World War II vet on my way to visit a friend at Homeview Health and Rehabilitation Center, when my auto’s engine became overheated. I drove into the parking lot at Ritter’s Frozen Custard to let it cool.</p>
<p>There, I asked a gentleman in line if he could give me directions to my intended destination. Unfortunately, I didn’t write down his name, but he and his companion were in a distinctive service minivan. He was Good Samaritan No. 1.</p>
<p>He offered to lead me there. En route, my engine temp reached critical stage and shut down. Fortunately, I was able to coast, sans power, to the curb under the shade of a friendly tree. Realizing I was no longer behind him, he returned and went in search of water.</p>
<p>Enter Good Samaritan No. 2, in the form of Terry Golden, (I did think to record his name) an employee of the Franklin parks department. When he saw the problem, he, too, went in search of water. Since I was parked across the street from the swimming pool, he was back in a flash. Soon Samaritan No. 1 returned with water, but closer scrutiny disclosed that water wouldn’t solve the problem.</p>
<p>A seal in a coolant line had ruptured, so a tow truck was needed. I called my roadside emergency service. Help would be available in about two hours. Good Samaritan 1 took his leave (I regret that I failed to record his name) but I shall remember his kindness and friendliness.</p>
<p>Good Samaritan 2, Terry, continued to watch over me to be sure I was OK. He would leave for a short while but return to see that I was OK. The road service arrived shortly after 5 p.m., loaded my auto and gave me a ride to the repair shop in Greenwood.</p>
<p>Terry was there to ensure everything was taken care of and that I had transport with the rescue truck. Hopefully, I will not suffer severe trauma when I see the repair bill.</p>
<p>So, an unfortunate breakdown morphed into a comfortable, pleasant, friendly afternoon, thanks to the friendly folks in Franklin. I may never again see either of the gentlemen who befriended me, but I shall remember, and be indebted to, them as long as I have an active brain cell. Thank you!</p>
<p>To Terry’s children: Appreciate the great guy you call Dad. And to Franklin: Thanks for the friendly citizens and the hospitality at the parks and recreation department.</p>
<p><p style="text-align: right"><strong>Tom Foster</strong></p>
<p><p style="text-align: right">Greenwood</p>