Letter: Recent edition, books offered great reading

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

Wow, Jan. 29 was the near-perfect (reading) storm. How? Bringing together David Carlson’s column on detective fiction; Dick Huber’s letter to the editor decrying irregular mail delivery service in western Greenwood; and, sad to say, the obituary of WWII veteran and local businessman Paul B. Totten. And there was more.

As faithful readers know, I’m often at odds with the liberal political views of Franklin College professor Carlson when he writes in the Daily Journal. However, when it comes to detective fiction, he’s a rising star in the genre. I read "Enter by the Narrow Gate," his first novel, months ago — and enjoyed it from beginning to end. Read it, you’ll like it.

This morning, following perusal of the Daily Journal and The Indianapolis Star, and some "daily quiet time" (i.e. scripture reading and prayer), I finished Carlson’s newest mystery, "Let the Dead Bury the Dead." Even better than the first. Now I’m wishing a third story to begin.

If you’re a mystery fan, and enjoy detective fiction, read Carlson’s column from Jan. 29. Here he describes several lead fictional clergy characters we both enjoy," e.g. G.K. Chesterton’s Father Brown (there’s a Father Brown series on PBS most Saturday nights at 10 p.m.), et. al., including Father Nicholas Fortis, featured in his two novels.

And Dick Huber is right. Since Christmas, homeowners west of State Road 135 have no idea when mail will appear in their mailboxes. Used to be right around noon. Now? Rarely before 6 p.m., though we did experience an early afternoon delivery on a recent Saturday. A sign of improvement? Let’s hope so.

Paul Totten. In my opinion, one of the quiet, unsung heroes of Greenwood, Indiana. Have you read "For God, Country, &amp; Community, The Life &amp; Times of Paul R. Totten," as told to Michael Alexander? You should.

Here’s how it begins.

"Paul Raymond Totten’s back was a mass of cuts and bruises. In agony, he had been dropped into a crumpled heap at the end of his bunk. He had suffered a severe beating by his Japanese guard."

To obtain a copy of this book, check with Loren Minnix of Warrior’s Hope ministry in Greenwood. Know what? If enough of us ask, maybe the Daily Journal will serialize Paul’s autobiography, as a tribute to our town war hero, family man, businessman and friend.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>George Allen</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Indianapolis</strong></p>