Letter: Postal service needs to correct issues

<strong>To the editor:</strong>

It happened again — early pick-up from a USPS drop box. USPS, we are not on the same page.

A local drop box lists a time of 2 p.m. At 1 p.m., I went to drop off mail. The pickup truck and employee were already there. I asked what the 2 p.m. listed time meant and was told "It means the mail will be picked up by 2 p.m.

"Really? So USPS could pick up at 8 a.m. when the listed time is 2 p.m.? Yes, but when we pick up early, the box is weight sensitive and signal another pickup later if there was much mail."

"So if my half ounce, time-sensitive letter is dropped off at noon and the mail was been picked up early and there is not enough weight to cause a second pickup, does that mean my mail will not be picked up until the next day?" "Right."

This is ridiculous. Most people think with a posted time on the drop off box, mailed placed in the box before that listed time will be picked up that day. But to the USPS, a listed time means the mail will be picked up by that time, maybe even 30 minutes or even a few hours prior. And mail dropped off before the posted time may very well not be picked up until the next day.

USPS, please straighten out this nonsense mess for the benefit of your customers.
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Dick Huber</strong></p>
<p style="text-align: right"><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>