If you think this year’s elections are getting crazy, give it 2 years

<p>At my grandson’s school, students are learning to think broadly as expressed in their adoption of Buzz Lightyear’s catchphrase, “To infinity and beyond.”</p><p>While every media outlet seems focused on the hi-jinks preceding the 2018 elections, those contests are a mere prelude to the national circus in 2020. Mega-money, now being spent by partisan groups, will not compare with the sums flowing through the political arteries two years from now.</p><p>Neglected in this process are the state legislative elections this year. The entire Indiana House and half the Senate are on the ballot. Those elected this year could (if they have the courage) restore integrity to the house and senate district boundaries. Establishing a justifiable system for redistricting after the 2020 Census is an imperative that informed voters cannot ignore. Elvis would tell us, “It’s now or never.”</p><p>Next year, the money won’t be as plentiful and the press coverage will be still weaker as we neglect the local and municipal elections of 2019. Those contests will have impacts crossing city, county and state lines, and impacts shaping opportunities for every Hoosier household.</p><p>Much of Indiana has a stake in the 2019 Chicago mayoral election. Smaller cities and towns in Indiana have reason to be concerned about mayoral and councilor choices in Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Evansville, South Bend and Terre Haute. Voter choices in Louisville and Cincinnati will resonate throughout southern and southeastern Indiana.</p><p>Similarly, the decisions made at the county and community levels will have a bearing on the larger metropolitan areas. Unless, we have more instances of the federal government setting regulations that handcuff the states where preemption of local prerogatives is a favorite legislative sport.</p><p>As has been said for generations, “We obey the Golden Rule: he who has the gold, rules.” For more than 150 years, in the public and private sectors, we have surrendered to the concept of economies of scale, the belief that larger units are more efficient than smaller ones. Much of that belief is supported by the data we collect — the recorded and filed information of a mercantile economy.</p><p>But we have not been able to formalize and convert to numeric quantities the value of convenience, trust and equity. Consolidations of schools, fire departments and competing firms are determined by the “hard” numbers of accountants and the “softer” estimates of imaginative economists. How do we compare revenues received by cutting timber for new houses, extended urban sprawl and a higher incidence of homeownership with the value of forests, cleaner air and water as well as compact urban settlements?</p><p>These tough issues are decided indirectly by voters in a responsible representative democracy. If they vote. If they do not vote, decision making is left to the minority who exercise their voting rights.</p><p>But what incentive do citizens have to vote when the system is rigged toward one party because district maps have been manipulated in favor of that party?</p>