Letter: This time, your right to vote really matters

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”</p><p>— Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence.</p><p>Democracy is a complicated business. “The consent of the governed” is a tough standard to define or achieve. We all have to agree to some fundamental behaviors or it doesn’t work. We have to agree that an acceptable process exists to establish and implement the various policies of governance.</p><p>As part of that process we have rights and we have responsibilities. We must be informed about the issues and we must vote. In turn, we have to agree to accept those policies whether we like them or not — at least until we can use that same process to change them. The rights of individuals must be carefully defined and aggressively protected. Democracies must be nations of laws.</p><p>There are other governing systems… The alternative is to have no choice, and the sole means to change government is through revolution.</p><p>In principle, our process seeks to establish a majority through free and fair elections. The majority leads and coordinates the establishment and implementation of governing policies. Ideally these policies are balanced to provide the largest benefit for the most people. There must be limits on those policies so that they cannot violate the rights of the minority. For the governed to “consent” we have to believe in the system. We must know what is going on, know we can express our view, and have a say in the decision.</p><p>Democracy fails when substantial portions of those governed no longer “consent.” Corruption, fear, intolerance, hatred, lies and divisiveness are effective tools to destroy a democracy.</p><p>Corruption undermines democracy. When people in power abuse their positions for personal gain, the population loses faith. When groups with large amounts of money buy access to rig the policies cynicism abounds. Distorting the election process (voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc.) to sabotage the will of the majority undermines the essence of democracy.</p><p>Many assert that we now have the most corrupt government in American history. Beyond the expanded “swamp” there is a concerted effort to destroy the fundamental underpinnings of the constitution.</p><p>The president is openly taunting his attorney general — demanding that he use the judicial system to persecute the president’s critics and adversaries, and to prevent investigations into the potential wrongdoing by his allies. Similarly he regularly demands the FCC revoke the broadcast licenses of all the major networks except Fox (never mind that networks aren’t licensed). Jail your critics, take over the press, seize the radio stations… these are things that happened in Germany in 1933. We know how that turned out. These are things that always happen in every totalitarian government.</p><p>Is this the America our ancestors fought and died for? What the president proposes to do is eliminate freedom of speech, freedom of the press and due process. Actually that may be only the start of what he wants.</p><p>So far no Republican in the judiciary or in the legislative branch has exhibited any inclination to provide the “checks and balances” expected by the constitution. Virtually no Republican has even felt it appropriate to publicly mention this might not be a good idea — other than its potential effect on the election. I assume they think we won’t notice after the election or they can cover it up.</p><p>Statistics show that 70 percent of registered voters don’t vote. Many more eligible people aren’t even registered. If you care about the American constitutional democracy you really do need to fulfill your responsibilities. Get informed. Vote. This time it really matters.</p><p><p><strong>Chuck Lunsford</strong></p><p><p><strong>White River Township</strong></p>