Five quick, affordable fall tasks to get you ready for winter

<p>The fall is on its way and I could not be more delighted. I’m not one of those girls who only recently decided fall was her favorite season. I enjoy a nice piece of pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, but pumpkin spice in every single grocery aisle makes me a bit woozy. It’s not the flavors of fall that I love most.</p><p>For me, the weather of fall with it gorgeous array of bright colors on the trees and in the skies beckons to me as the seasons change. The cooler air on my face calls me outside to run and walk and hike and simply sit. Some people are built for summer — their skin tans and they don’t feel the heat. With my alabaster complexion and bright red hair, let’s just say that I am not some people. I am a fall girl through and through.</p><p>I also love fall because like its twin, spring, the weather provides an opportunity to dwell between the two most unpredictable utilities in our home. The week or two of what I like to call the sweet spot of temperatures means you can nix the air conditioner finally after all of those 90 degree days. At the same time, you don’t quite need to dial up the heat either.</p><p>It’s also the perfect time to do a little check up on your furnace and rethink your space before you head into the winter season. The fall days don’t last forever and your budget will thank you for taking a few minor steps to keep those heating bills low in the months ahead.</p><p>Change the filter</p><p>An efficient furnace is a money saving furnace. Since it’s probably been awhile since you flipped the heat on, take a few minutes to check your furnace filter. If necessary, clean out or change the filter. This simple task will protect the longevity of the unit and lessen the likelihood of a cold winter’s night.</p><p>Seal the cracks</p><p>While the weather outside cooperates, take the opportunity to begin sealing cracks near the doors and windows of your home. Weather stripping, caulking and spray foam all cost $10 or less and could save you hundreds of dollars. Don’t forget to inspect your house thoroughly including the attic access and walls of your basement. Well-placed spray foam can also prevent rodents from finding a cozy home in your dwelling when the temperatures plummet.</p><p>Invest in decent curtains</p><p>If your home seems cold around the windows, again you may need to think about caulking the seams to keep cold air from flowing inside your home. You also may need to invest in thicker curtains to lock in the warm air during cold days and nights. Don’t forget to pull the curtains closed when temperatures drop lower, too especially at night.</p><p>Move the furniture away from vents</p><p>Your home goods may need shifted during the fall months, too. If your couch or dresser blocks a vent, consider moving it to another location. Not only will moving furniture away from the vent prevent the potential for a home fire, the relocation will also allow heat to flow freely through your home. Furniture that blocks the outflow of heat traps the warmer air in one space decreasing efficiency and increasing costs.</p><p>Get to know your thermostat</p><p>We don’t always use the appliances in our homes to their full capacity. If you don’t know how it fully works, investigate your thermostat now. Many units allow homeowners to adjust the temperature automatically throughout the day. If possible, learn how to program yours so the heat turns down at night when you’re under the covers and then warms you in the early morning hours as you wake.</p><p>If no one is home for large chunks of time during the day, drop the temperature to save money on a routine basis. Even when you’re home see if you can gradually decrease the temperature and get used to bundling up at home to save a few more dollars, too.</p><p>Let’s celebrate the fall while still acknowledging winter is on its way. A few minor household chores could save you cold hard cash during the long frigid months. Maximize the hours of these pleasant days to do what you won’t be able to (or want to) do this winter. Then, go for hike. Drink apple cider. Take a drive to look at the leaves and enjoy each of the season’s best offerings.</p>