Letter: Senator should represent Hoosiers’ wishes

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>My letter to Joe Donnelly:</p><p>As you know, Sen. Donnelly, you were one of the last dozen senators to vote on the Iran-Contra Deal and you voted to approve the deal.</p><p>As a voter who voiced concern for the Iran Deal, a call was made to your office and requested a &quot;No&quot; vote from you. After your &quot;Yes&quot; vote, another call was made to your office.</p><p>This time a request was made as to how many calls did the senator receive regarding a &quot;no vote&quot; and this is the answer received: &quot;This is private information and cannot be released to the public.&quot;</p><p>How may calls and e-mails did you receive regarding the approval of Judge Kavanaugh? Is this also private information?</p><p>Sen. Donnelly, do you represent the people of Indiana or the Democratic Party? This voter is more concerned about your voting record rather than how many jobs were sent to Mexico.</p><p><p><strong>Donna Badger</strong></p><p><p><strong>Trafalgar</strong></p>