Letter: Teacher endorses support for school board candidate Waggoner

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I am not in the habit of endorsing candidates for public office, but this year I am making an exception. Ryan Waggoner is running for school board for Franklin Community Schools.</p><p>I’ve known Ryan since he was a student at Franklin Community High School. Ryan displayed maturity well beyond his years, which made him a natural leader. He possesses a keen analytical mind which will enable him to look at all sides of any issue which may come before the board.</p><p>It did not surprise me that his career path took him from Butler University to law school and he is currently a successful attorney. That background will make him an ideal candidate for the school board.</p><p>The one characteristic which stands out to me is his desire to see Franklin schools become the best they can possibly be, and continue to strive for excellence. He is fair, compassionate and possesses a work ethic that anyone would admire.</p><p>Again, I strongly endorse Ryan Waggoner for school board, Franklin schools.</p><p><p><strong>John Jackson</strong></p><p><p><strong>Teacher at Franklin Community High School</strong></p>