Letter: Election decision will affect lives of children, grandchildren

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Webster defines Autocracy as a government in which one person possesses unlimited power. Democracy is defined as a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised through a system of free and fair voting.</p><p>On Nov. 6 we have the opportunity to once again exercise control over our federal government by voting for senators and representatives. This midterm election is crucial and could tilt us more towards an autocracy form of government (electing Republicans who would be a rubber stamp for President Donald Trump) or back towards democracy by electing Democratic candidates who would be independent.</p><p>We have experienced two years of a cult-like leader who has thrown the presidency into chaos with the help of a Republican Congress. For all of Donald Trump’s misdeeds, incivility, lack of morality, failure to defend our country against Russian interference in our elections, inhumane immigration policies and actions, total disregards for womens rights and protections, plus total denial of the affects of global warming, so far Republicans in Congress have refused to come to the rescue of their country by abiding to the constitution and speaking out when the president &quot;goes off the rails&quot; or crosses the line of decency.</p><p>Republican Senator Todd Young and Representative Trey Hollingsworth have played the role of &quot;chicken&quot; throughout the president’s two years in office. They have seen the president attack our democracy and have said nothing!</p><p>Democracy fails when its leader are corrupt, promote hatred, hold rallies when lies are rampart and trample on free speech. Trump is dangerous to our democracy. He is dividing and destroying our country. He parades before his base and lives off of their cheers and also before his friends, billionaires like the Koch Brothers and the Mercers.</p><p>We have good and capable candidates this midterm. So re-elect Joe Donnelly for Senate and vote for Liz Watson for our local representative to Congress. With their help and other Democrats who win or are re-elected to Congress on Nov., 6 we can save our fleeting democracy and bring common decency to the Senate and House of Representatives.</p><p>So I urge all of you, especially parents and grandparents, to take a good look at your children and grandchildren. Do you want them to grow up in a democracy or a corrupt autocracy? The choice is yours.</p><p><p><strong>Richard DeTorre</strong></p><p><p><strong>White River Township</strong></p>