Letter: Open border puts children at risk for diseases

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Thanks to Mexico, two diseases almost obliterated in America are now making an ominous comeback. Syphilis and tuberculosis , in a hyper-virulent form, are now ravaging America. And in America, parents (usually Christian) are threatened with execution should they refuse to have their children immunized!</p><p><p>I am left wondering how many children in the invading army approaching our southern border have been immunized? How many are carriers of the polio-like disease which leaves the victims with a myelitis, and a resulting paralysis? Surely, our esteemed CDC and public health service would not allow such an atrocity!!! Should they fail in their duty, perhaps militarizing the border is an attractive alternative…. <strong></p><p><p></strong></p><p><p><strong>Kenneth R. DeVoe</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>