Letter: President right to stop illegal immigration

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>We must stop the illegal entry of the hoards approaching our southern border. This is like a group of uninvited persons storming into my home and forcing me to support them.</p><p>We have let the piecemeal illegal entry that has been going on for some time, to make some think it is OK to do what they want regardless of what is legal.</p><p>The citizens of the U.S. have to obey the laws so why should these persons not have to when wanting to come into our country? Most coming here previously came legally. I support President Trump to do whatever necessary to put a stop to it. Also, anyone coming in legally should have to speak English or agree to learn it in a short period of time.</p><p><p><strong>Forrest Chambers</strong></p><p><p><strong>White River Township</strong></p>