Letter: Letter to the editor: Tax increases have become a big burden

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Please do the taxpayers of this county a service by running an article about all of the tax increases proposed and recently passed and point out to city, county and school board officials and politicians how that might be problematic. Our state gas tax increase has made Indiana have the eight most expensive gas taxes and prices in the U.S. With our new BMV fees, we also have some of the highest vehicle registration fees in the U.S. I live in the city of Franklin, and what has been proposed on top of that is ridiculous. The school district referendum would raise my property taxes another $100-plus a year. Now they need to raise taxes for a new library branch, a new jail and roads for White River township. Why should a resident of Franklin have to pay for roads in White River township (an area more populous and is only unincorporated as a scam to require the county to pay for their services?)</p><p>When White River township got to vote in a referendum to become a city, the whole county should have been able to vote. Of course they (residents of WR township) would vote to make their expenses spread across the whole county, and the rest of the county did not get a say. What an amazing deal for them. I’m seriously thinking about moving out of the county, and before you say &quot;good riddance,&quot; understand that I live in a rougher neighborhood in Franklin; have remodeled my centuries-old house; brought up property values; and helped to stabilize a neighborhood that was once a drug haven. Do they want me to stay or do they want me to go? The next person to buy my house won’t be great at maintaining a historic wooden home, and it will go right back to dilapidated.</p><p><p><strong>Matthew Keeton</strong></p><p><p><strong>Franklin</strong></p>