Letter: Letter to the editor: It’s not hate of Trump; it’s disgust over his actions

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>Once again another Republican attacks a Democrat in a letter to the editor on Jan. 21.</p><p>This time, it is Floyd Shirrell calling a Franklin preacher and Kelly Hawes &quot;snowflakes&quot; with &quot;snowflake&quot; ideas, and claiming that Democrats hate President Donald Trump.</p><p>There is a lot to dislike about the behavior of our president, but &quot;hate&quot; is too strong a word. Yes, we must give our president credit for the good economy while we watch him destroy America and our American values. &quot;Peace through strength&quot; may be a factual part of our world, but such strength has cost our country trillions of dollars and thousands of human lives with no end in sight.</p><p>President Trump and his policies are driving our country to bankruptcy. He and his administration have increased our deficit 34% in three years, and for what? Give him another term and he may double it by giving all the excess spending to himself, his family and his billionaire friends.</p><p>MAGA (Make America Great Again) is a hoax. America has consistently been great for all of my life (85 years).</p><p>&quot;MAGA&quot; is a joke now as the president is laughed at when he is in the company of other democratic world leaders.</p><p>Presidents of great countries don’t tell huge lies every day. He lies so much he keeps his staff in a spin daily trying to support him, but they can’t imagine what his next lie or set of lies will be. He has successfully showed his staff that lying wins. So to please the boss, they lie, too.</p><p>No, most Democrats don’t hate President Trump. It is not hate you hear, Mr. Shirrell; it is disgust. He and his corrupt administration are out to destroy our democracy as we watch the Republicans in Congress take pieces away every day by their cowardly support.</p><p>Our only option to save our democracy is to defeat President Trump at the ballot box next November. I beg you to help.</p><p><p><strong>Richard DeTorre</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>