Letter: Trump is an enigma

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>As I observed President Donald Trump’s verbal public “victory lap” following his Senate Impeachment acquittal, I was reminded once more that the man I voted for in 2016 remains an enigma to me.</p><p>His theatrical, media focused, over-the-top diatribe castigating and insulting anyone held responsible for supporting impeachment unfortunately reveals a personal character that too often seems beneath the dignity of his office. Even when heaping hyperbolic praise on staunch defender Sen. Mike Braun, his chronic narcissism crept in as he stated Braun is “a little bit like me.”</p><p>Having said that, I must confess that, perhaps illogically, I would vote for this president again. I still feel that President Trump’s basic domestic and foreign policy initiatives are largely in America’s best interest. These include (1) responsible security of U.S. borders, (2) federal tax, regulation and energy policies conducive to private business expansion and productivity and (3) rational defense of America’s legitimate interests in areas of international trade and military agreements.</p><p>Unfortunately, President Trump’s questionable rhetoric continues to undermine his own agenda. I do concede he bears the great burden of a liberal media and Democratic leadership pathologically incapable of accepting the reality that the nation did in fact elect him as President.</p><p>However, I also feel his basic policy goals could still be logically and factually defended in an objective, statesmanlike manner more appropriate to his elected position, rather than a barrage of largely sophomoric tweets that simply reinforce a conviction that he is unworthy of the office of President.</p><p>As stated above, Donald J.Trump remains an irritating enigma to me.</p><p><p><strong>David A. Nealy</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>