Letter: Council vote was ‘crooked’

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>I agree with Mr. Walter Oliver (Mar. 14, 2020) that we need a revote on the library.</p><p>I’m incensed by how this little maneuver went down. Not even a majority of the County Council. Only five people there to vote. Only three of the five voted for it. For a tax increase of $8 million dollars. This is outrageous.</p><p>Doing a revote is a no-brainer. To the council president: Sir, get this back on the agenda and do it over. And this time, do it legally with a majority of our council.</p><p>And do it fairly.</p><p>And do it right.</p><p>It’s what we elected you to do.</p><p>A tax increase of $8 million along with the other tax increases we’ve had is just plain wrong. And for something that’s not even necessary for public safety or transportation. We told you this in the referendum. This is an outrage.</p><p>And particularly with the reduction in resources that’s going to happen because of the coronavirus pandemic. What pathetic timing.</p><p>Council members: We told you no new taxes. And you sneaked this one past us with a minority of your members, and you did it at the worst possible time. This is wrong. You know it. Go back and do it right.</p><p>Doing it right takes almost no time and costs zero dollars.</p><p>Do it right, and this time, listen to the people who elected you.</p><p>This whole thing is crooked as hell. Underhanded and pre-planned.</p><p><p><strong>David Skeem</strong></p><p><p><strong>Franklin</strong></p>