Letter: County council needs new leaders

<p><strong>To the editor (and the people of Johnson County):</strong></p><p>I have read the three letters to the editor concerning the Johnson County Council’s vote to raise taxes for a new Johnson County Public Library branch, and I agree with all of them.</p><p>I would like to thank Mr. Walter Oliver for bringing to our attention the circumstances surrounding the vote. Three votes out of a seven-member body should never have been considered a majority to raise taxes such a significant amount. There should be an amount limit that requires the elected majority after a certain level of tax raising, instead of a majority of those present when it barely meets the quorum requirement.</p><p>However, I am not entirely surprised by the move given recent history. In Greenwood, we had a Democrat candidate and constituent fight for taxpayer money to not be handed out to board members who failed to show up to vote on issues at regularly scheduled meetings. A rather ironic situation when the Democrat was giving a lesson on how to be fiscally responsible. Even after discussion, it was still a fight to get such a measure passed.</p><p>I guess absolute control of the county can indeed corrupt.</p><p>Given all of this and looking at the 2020 ballot, I will be voting for non-incumbents, particularly Democrat Amanda Stevenson-Holmes. It is clear to me that we live in a time in this county when in order to advance principles we all hold dear, we must vote for new leadership in local races to make sure our county and state continue to be the place we hold dear to live, work and play.</p><p><p><strong>Kyle Swain</strong></p><p><p><strong>Greenwood</strong></p>