Letter: Conservative propaganda machine in high gear

<p><strong>To the editor:</strong></p><p>The conservative propaganda machine is now in high gear, at least in Indiana.</p><p>I have many friends and acquaintances who are conservatives. As individuals they are kind, caring people who faithfully vote for their party. I wish collective conservatism was just as compassionate, but that is not the case.</p><p>Institutional conservatism is brutal, treating large segments of people as statistics — homeless, working poor, penniless seniors. The conservative agenda prioritizes money over people, citing affordability limits based on ideological guess-work.</p><p>Conservative pundits are presumptuous about what people want and what they might accept. Liberals can be equally presumptuous — both sides viewing the world through their self-constructed keyholes and unwilling to compromise to actually solve the problems of behalf of everyone.</p><p>What people deserve from both parties is non-political, compassionate budgeting and legislation. What people actually need is not segregated by politics. Revenues and expenses are not incurred differently by Republicans and Democrats.</p><p>In today’s environment people need a fair health system, a fair tax system and a fair labor system. Neither party is making those three needs a priority and that is the frustration people have with politics. Public relations spin and politician’s egos and pipe dreams take precedence over what people really need. So we muddle on.</p><p><p><strong>Donald A. Smith</strong></p><p><p><strong>Franklin</strong></p>