Letter: Make your wishes known in writing before time comes

To the editor:

I’m writing in regards to the column written by Kristen McConnell (“Make care decision now before it is too late,” Jan. 6) and our health care system. This writing made me think back to December 2008 when my Mom (and our family) made the difficult decision to turn my Dad’s care to “comfort care.”

My Dad was having complications due to his Alzheimer’s. My Mom knew my Dad’s wishes of the quality of life he wanted and didn’t want. After speaking with his doctor and our family, the decision was made to turn his care to comfort care. It was a hard decision but it was the right one. We were by my Dad’s side until he passed on December 8, 2008.

Kristen McConnell’s words made so much sense to me and touched my heart. “But the American healthcare system never taught the public that preventing a natural death often results in a wholly unnatural life.” This is so true in my opinion.

I felt it was important for Kristen to share the situations of the ill people and their families she has encountered.

This column also made me think more about creating an advanced directive for myself and make sure my family members are aware of my wishes.

Thank you for printing this very informative column.

Deanna Powell
