Letter: A life built through love lessons learned from mother

To the editor:

In 1992, my father ran the letter below in the Daily Journal about his mother and my grandmother, Maude Cox.

I wanted to rerun the letter and at the same time thank my mother, Leona Cox, for many years of happiness.

For all the mothers in your special day today I have the following quotes:

“God could not be everywhere and therefore, he made mothers.”

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.”

Thanks mother, for everything you gave your seven children. I can honestly say I am a better person for having the mother and father the almighty God gave me. The lessons learned are the reason I am where I am today. A better son, a better brother, a better father and a better grandfather.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful, loving mothers.

Mother Means Love

What does the word mother mean? The word really means affectionate love or a woman who has carried a child.

A mother is a lot like God, she loves her children regardless of what they are or who they are.

We all think our mother is the greatest, but really, my mother was a special kind of mother, for again, she was like God, she loved everyone and everyone loved her.

I remember when I was a little boy, she handled me like a precious toy.

She used to cook all the meals and then she would take us out to the fields. She would make us comfortable in the shade while she used a hoe and a spade.

Sometimes I was a pretty mean lad, but, I never saw my mother mad.

She worked hard all her life and made my dad a wonderful wife.

I’ll never forget these things she did, for in my heart she is number one to me. Her name is only second to God above, after all both these names really mean love.

I’ll never forget her wonderful touch.

Mother, we all loved you very much.

Although we miss your sweet smile, I thank God that through his grace, again we can look at your beautiful face.

Everett Cox

Doug Cox
