Letter: President wrong to urge boycott of American business

To the editor:

With the Trump administration there seems to be non-stop news items. That makes it easy to see one that doesn’t sit right, and then have it quickly slip from thought as there are more items constantly coming forth.

One that caught my attention, and bothered me a lot, is the tweet to boycott Harley-Davidson. First off, I have never in my 71+ years ever been aware of a sitting President of the United States calling for a boycott of an American business with the stated intent to bring them down. This business has committed no crimes that I am aware of. It is a typical business in that it has to worry about its own survival in the marketplace.

It seems that their “crime” is not being politically correct. They are not marching to Donald Trump’s agenda seems to be their only wrongdoing. This really should be of concern as this type of action by an elected official is reminiscent of what former Sen. Joseph McCarthy was doing, and how his accusations against innocent law abiding citizens led to careers and businesses being destroyed.

Dale R. Sedler
