Letter: Women, minorities need to vote for women, minorities, Democrat males

To the editor:

White-washing college drinking bouts and sexual abuses is a tragedy in itself, not to mention possibly putting another dissembler in a position of privilege and power. Welcome to the world of white male arrogance and the women who worship the Rambo image.

Their conservative domination of business and government have given us a world stinking with pollution, mountains of plastic floating in the oceans, global warming with violent storms and fires, millions in poverty, billions in their pockets and lame excuses for sexual abuses.

It is difficult for those who may actually be “good guys” to realize how much privilege and deferral is given to the white male image, whether in a business suit, rugged Western attire, farm overalls or a uniform. Among the white male power structure, women and minorities are tolerated and manipulated then scuttled when no longer useful to their objectives. A few rise above that cesspool and can honorably join the ranks of minorities and women in working for true equality in justice, economics, education and leadership.

When an aircraft or ship is off course the wise navigator makes a large correction and then eases back to the proper direction. Whenever marginal changes are used the ship never gets to the proper course and may end up going into what pilots call “a death spiral.” We need a major correction at all levels of government in this country.

That can only happen if minorities and women come out in droves to vote. Vote for minorities and women if you can and for Blue males if you can’t. The arrogant, white-male Red ones need to go out to pasture. Don’t be fooled by their catchy bumper stickers and false promises. Our government needs to be steered by those who truly represent all the people, not just the wealthy, white male minority.

Donald A. Smith
