Letter: Senator should represent Hoosiers’ wishes

To the editor:

My letter to Joe Donnelly:

As you know, Sen. Donnelly, you were one of the last dozen senators to vote on the Iran-Contra Deal and you voted to approve the deal.

As a voter who voiced concern for the Iran Deal, a call was made to your office and requested a "No" vote from you. After your "Yes" vote, another call was made to your office.

This time a request was made as to how many calls did the senator receive regarding a "no vote" and this is the answer received: "This is private information and cannot be released to the public."

How may calls and e-mails did you receive regarding the approval of Judge Kavanaugh? Is this also private information?

Sen. Donnelly, do you represent the people of Indiana or the Democratic Party? This voter is more concerned about your voting record rather than how many jobs were sent to Mexico.

Donna Badger
