The real Christmas cleanup you need to do now

The tree with its tinsel and twinkling lights glows in the corner. Even though I know I need to take it down, I let its warmth linger awhile longer in our living room.

In a matter of days, all of the holiday decor will be packed neatly back into the plastic 18-gallon tubs. Quietly, the ornaments and candles will wait patiently for another 11 months until it’s their turn to shine again.

While the Christmas display gradually makes its way into storage on the shelves in your garage, there’s more important clean up to be done after Dec. 25. If you want to begin the new year well, you need to do some work. More than likely during the hurry and scurry of the holiday fun, you’ve allowed a few essential areas to collect clutter. This clean up list ensures a brighter 2019 for us all.

Your wallet

Most of us amass a greater number of receipts during the month of December. Begin your tidying by emptying and organizing any extras you may have lingering in your wallet. Be sure to keep gift receipts for items you may return. Do a deep dive through the cards you keep in your wallet, too. Remove those that have expired or you don’t really use.

Your car’s console

Napkins, fast food wrappers, pens and books — the hustle of a busy season causes cars to clutter. Spend some time clearing out the console of your vehicle. Go on a treasure hunt for spare change and tucked away cash. Consider adding a trash bag for future trash to prevent messes. Don’t overlook compartments on the doors, too. If you’re feeling particularly brave, look under the seats, too.

Your budget

It’s time to reconcile that checkbook. No more putting your head in the sand about how much you spent this year. Whether you manage your money on pencil and paper, using software or via an app, it’s time to match those transactions and balance the budget. Once you’ve dealt with the past, look toward the future. Identify areas of spending you can reduce and set some goals for the new year. If you’ve never budgeted before, head to Queen of Free for free printable, budget forms to help guide your process.

Your gifts

Whether you received money from your grandma or a new sweater from your sweetie, cut off the tags and stash the cash. If you think you’ll need to make a return or an exchange, organize tags and receipts. The sooner you can attend to those tasks, the better. The longer you wait, the less likely you’ll be to make that happen. Launder any new clothing items and put away other gifts. Don’t forget to break down cardboard boxes and put them in the recycling bin, too.

Your coupons and gift cards

The end of the year will arrive in a few short days. Be sure to clear through any coupons and gift cards you have to ensure they don’t expire. Don’t let valuable savings slip through your fingers. Plan how and when you’ll use what you have or give away those you won’t use to someone who will.

Your refrigerator

It’s time to do a clean sweep of the shelves in your refrigerator. Remove items beyond their expiration dates. Toss foods you know your family won’t really eat. Empty out leftovers. Wipe up spills and messes. Begin the new year with a fresh fridge by bringing healthy items to the forefront so you reach for those first.

The junk drawer

It seems that every home in the Midwest has one. There’s probably at least one drawer or cabinet in your house where clutter lives on a regular basis. Batteries roll around in the back. A dry ink pen clogs up space in the front. Take a few minutes to reorganize the space that amasses junk all year long but becomes especially crowded during the holidays. Give the non-essentials the boot while placing those items you use on a regular basis within easy access.

Think outside of the box when it comes to this year’s Christmas cleanup. Position yourself for a new year free from clutter and disorganization. Feel free to leave your tree up a day or two longer to bask in its beauty. Begin by tidying these seven areas of your life. The you of 2019 says thanks in advance.