Two newcomers seeking to be Prince’s Lakes clerk-treasurer

Two longtime residents of the county who have previous experience handling money want to be Prince’s Lakes next clerk-treasurer.

Erica Giger and Hope Nutt are on the Republican ballot to be the next clerk-treasurer of the town of about 1,340 residents.

The winner of the primary will be on the November ballot in the fall general election. No democrats or independents have filed to run for the job yet, but a candidate could be slated this summer.

The town’s current clerk-treasurer, Karen Harrison, is not seeking the position again, but is vying for a seat on the town’s council.

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The clerk-treasurer is tasked with managing the town’s money, paying its bills, collecting fees and keeping town records. The job pays $50,088.

Both women have experience handling money. Giger is currently a stay-at-home mother and has previously worked in a bank for nine years. Nutt is the treasurer of the Hants Lake Conservancy District and helps run the office and bookkeeping operations of her husband’s car mechanic shop in Nineveh.

Giger and Nutt both cited being responsible with the town’s budget as one of their top priorities.

"I just want to make sure the money is being spent wisely and where it is supposed to be spent." Giger said.

Giger handled large amounts of money as an employee at Irwin Union Bank, where she was in charge of doing annual audits and handling shipments.

Nutt believes her experience working as the treasurer for the conservancy district will translate to becoming clerk-treasurer as some of the paperwork filed with the state is the same and the process to get grants is the same, Nutt said.

"I just felt like I had some background," she said.

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Princes Lakes clerk-treasurer

Salary: $50,088

Term: Four years

Duties include: Managing town finances and accounts, recording minutes of council and committee meetings, investing town funds, managing town payroll, keeping town records, submitting financial information to the state

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Erica Giger

Party: Republican

Age: 40

Family: Husband, Anthony; five children

Experience/background/previous offices held: Current stay-at-home mother. Worked at a bank for nine years

Education: Brown County High School

Hope Nutt

Party: Republican

Age: 54

Family: Husband, Joe, two adult step children

Experience/background/previous offices held: Treasurer for Hants Lake Conservancy District, runs the office of her husband’s car mechanic shop.

Education: Franklin Community High School; attended ITT Technical Institute.
