Letter: Make Johnson County a sanctuary

To the editor:

With, of course, the exception of both coasts, there is an encouraging movement sweeping the USA. They have received only marginal publicity as this collection is not nearly as entertaining the likes of Pocahontas, or Spartacus, AOC, or Beto the Bozo, but are thankfully an adult and serious lot.

There are actually constitutionally oriented county sheriffs who vow they will NOT enforce unconstitutional state and federal statutes.

Infinitely more important than the clownish parade of ‘shiny objects’ contaminating both the airwaves, and witless victims of said silliness, these dedicated souls are committed to carrying out their sworn duty to defend our personal liberty and yes, the rights of gun owners, and perhaps the very lives of those these dedicated sheriffs have sworn to protect.

New Mexico and Florida sheriffs have led the way, as has a law enforcement official in Republic, Washington.

As I recall, previous Johnson County sheriffs and commissioners have discussed ignoring unconstitutional federal or state mandates including anti-Second Amendment laws. I am asking these same authorities to re-visit and adopt such a proposal, and make Johnson County a “Sanctuary County.”

Such a move might even thankfully enliven some weak-kneed Republicans.

For sure, a few unhinged-Trump-deranged-Democrats might protest, but they would be free to head such blissful liberal strongholds featuring the Utopia of ultra-strict gun control. I suggest they all migrate to cities such as Chicago, Baltimore, Washington DC and Detroit as these locations have become well known havens of peace, prosperity and tranquility.

Bear in mind, as a knee-jerk reaction to guns, Congress, with Republican help, recently passed the Red Flag Law. This actually allows anyone to ‘say’ any gun owner has been behaving “strangely” and thus give law enforcement authorities an excuse to forcefully confiscate his legally owned firearms.

There is little mention nor regard for Amendments Two, Four, Five and Six, and all too many police departments have sadly shown a tendency to “overlook” these rights.

County sheriffs, elected by “We the People” have not only the right, but the duty to determine which federal officials (if any) may enter the county. Period. In this way, they can protect citizens from any excess on the part of anyone from say the EPA, FBI, ATF, IRS, Homeland Security or any state or federal official.

I look forward to being a roud and protected law-abiding gun owner-citizen in a SANCTUARY Johnson County.

Kenneth DeVoe
