Letter: Call abortion what it is, without the political labels

To the editor:

Just when I think this abortion issue couldn’t get any worse with babies being aborted even up until birth, I read in the June 7 “Your View” the letter written by Jim Curry accusing “men of power controlling women” and his comment about “Republican attempts to hurriedly pass draconian measures against women.” This issue has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. This issue has to do with aborting an innocent fetus or baby, and as far as I’m concerned, it is murder.

Unless it is incest, rape, or the woman’s life being in danger, there is no excuse for abortion. So, there is no excuse for waiting for months or until birth to make a decision that this baby is not wanted, and that she has the right to end this baby’s life because it is her body. Again, this is murder. If a woman doesn’t want to have a baby, there are plenty of things she can use to keep this from happening. We aren’t living in the dark ages, and women should take responsibility so this doesn’t happen.

It is my understanding there is a heartbeat as early as six weeks, but as far as I’m concerned, it is a baby, a human being, at conception. This whole matter of abortion is disgusting, and I believe most people are of the same opinion.

What has happened that we have become so callous that we could so casually end a baby’s life?

Shirley Toney
