Letter: Coverage hasn’t been applied fairly

To the editor:

Re: The July 26, column by Trudy Rubin, "A free press can never be taken for granted"

I would like to respond to the recent column or Trump-bashing statements made by your guest columnist, Trudy Rubin, in what she refers to as free press, and our president’s attempts of stopping free press.

First let me say that really the only truly “fact-based media” that I have found was on Fox News. They report the news, whether it is going to make the Democrat or Republican look good or bad, it is still news and is reported. As far as I can see they are one of the few sources that still do that.

Ms. Rubin, I would like to know as to all of the rest of your “fact-based media,” where were they when it came out that of the 19 investigators of the former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report were all Democrats, 16 of which had contributed to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and one actually cried when she lost? Who told that bit of news?

It was a witch hunt that was proven to be just that, but did we hear that?

No, instead we hear USA Today Commentary Editor Jill Lawrence write, “Don’t just teach; you must impeach.” She really sounds like someone that wants to hear both sides of the parties, doesn’t she?

The fact is that Mueller, who the Democrats were counting on to be their hero, either deferred or declined to answer questions from Congress approximately 206 times during his testimony. It was apparent that he had left the actual work of the report to his 19 Democrat investigators who happened to fail to confirm that Trump took money from the Russians, but did they give up? No, because there are some that just cannot accept the fact that their party lost in 2016, and America was ready for a true change.

We had several scandals involving the Clintons, but you don’t see numerous on-going investigations in the news regarding the Uranium One scandal involving Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, or what about the numerous organizations and countries that contributed to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State? Did I just miss seeing those headlines?

As to all of the talk of impeaching the president, if we would not impeach a president for using his power and influence to first have an affair with a young intern in the oval office, and then waste millions of tax dollars in the investigation, simply because he would not tell the truth about it, why would anyone consider impeaching a man for accomplishing, or at least trying to accomplish, all he was elected to do?

I will be the first to admit that Donald Trump was not my first choice for president, but when it came to a decision of Trump over Hillary Clinton, he was the only choice, and apparently a lot of others felt the same way. Yes, he is rough around the edges, and I would really love it if he would quit tweeting, but he is getting the job done, or trying to, if everyone would quit fighting over the politics and just work together to make this nation great again.

As to what you wrote about as to your intentions, Ms. Rubin, of returning to this topic in future columns, I don’t doubt you will, because you appear to be like so many others out there, a sore loser. I, however, will not continue responding, because I believe it would be a waste of my time, as clearly, based upon all I’ve seen and read so far, there are some that are blind to the truth when it is right in front of their face.

Denise Parsley
