Letter: Letter to editor Charles Wright

YOUR view

When will the school tax increases stop?

To the editor:

Why is the White River School referendum being voted on during a off year for elections in a large part of White River Township? Referendums should be held in normal election years when there would be more participation in the voting by those most affected. Who is paying for the extra cost of the election in areas where this is the only item to vote for? I suspect that the administration is having the vote in a off year because they are more likely to get it passed with less participation.

While the percentage rate on my property taxes doesn’t go up every year, my property taxes do go up with inflation in assessed value. While the property tax increase proposal is 11.5 cents per $100 assessed value this is 11.5 percent higher than the 1 percent property tax cap. This equals $230 more taxes on a house with assessed value of $200,000. With the increase in county income tax from 1.0 percent to 1.2 percent which equals a 20 percent increase in tax rate on Oct. 1, 2019 for Johnson County residents this will make two tax increases in less than six months for most White River Township residents. These tax increases may seem small to some but they keep adding up and are large to most on fixed income and we will have to find other expenses to cut out our own budget.

While I agree with most of the security items being asked for are needed, I feel there could be cuts in other areas and budgets. I don’t know all the details but why did all the grade schools in Center Grove get new desk and chairs when they were not needed? I have also seen some parking lots resurfaced where it was not a necessity for another year or two. I know there are other items and cost that could have been eliminated or delayed so that the security items of concern could have been moved up on the list of needs and not wants.

When will the tax increases stop!

Charles Wright
