Letter: I, too, demand a revote

To the editor:

I was shocked to read Walter Oliver’s March 14 letter and learn that our taxes had been raised yet again.

And raised $8 million. Wow.

What is going on around here? I thought we lived in a Republican county, not the People’s Republic of California.

One of the most aggravating aspects of this news is that, even after we had voted against a tax raise to build another library that the measure was passed by a small minority of our County Council. Only three people did this to us after we had told them by referendum: “No new taxes.”

It’s very troubling to me that two of our council members weren’t even present to represent our interests when they voted to raise our taxes.

Let that sink in. Two of the people we voted for to speak for us weren’t at the council meeting to speak for the people who elected them. No doubt, this wasn’t their fault, since no one can make every meeting. But the vote should not have taken place without all our representatives present. 

Didn’t we fight a revolution over “taxation without representation?” Yes, I’m sure I read that somewhere.

Mr. Oliver suggested a revote and that it be held only after all the council members are there. I agree.

I am sure after the members of the council have had a chance to check with the people who elected them, they would not vote for the $8 million tax increase. 

As Mr. Oliver has asked, we need a revote with the entire council. 

In the immortal words of our Founding Fathers: “No taxation without representation.”

Peggy Surface
