Letter: Don’t let Hollingsworth take the coward way out

Don’t let Hollingsworth take the coward way out

To the editor:

I voted for Trey Hollinsworth. I went door to door for him. I thought he wasn’t a typical politician who would say anything to get a vote. He was far from perfect, but I thought he would be different.

His actions recently have proven to me that he is in fact, just another cowardly politician. He wasn’t in Washington when they “voted” on the CARES Act. I sent him two emails, several Facebook posts and two phone calls asking where he stood on the CARES Act. I had a simple question. If you were not in Washington to vote, how would you have voted? Yes or No?

I finally got a phone call back from Jonathon who works for him in his office in Washington. I again asked the simple question. Johnathon refused to answer the question. Instead, he said Hollingsworth wished he could have voted on the issue, and now, his focus is just making sure his constituents in Indiana get the help they need.

I told him there is a big difference between wanting to vote and simply telling me how he would have voted. He certainly has had time to read the bill and know how he would have voted. Again, Johnathon refused to answer my question. What a cowardly way out.

Hollingsworth doesn’t want to say where he stands because it will cost him votes either way. Instead of taking a stand on principles and beliefs, he decides to use the situation to hide from the decision he would have made, from the decision he should have had an opportunity to make. That is what cowardly politicians do.

I urge all of you to call his office and demand he take a stand or vote him out. Don’t let him take the coward way out. Force him to make a stand.

Bill Wallace
