Letter: Without health and life, economy does not matter

To the editor:

An Open Letter to Rep. Trey Hollingsworth,

Mr. Hollingsworth,

As one of your constituents, I feel the need to express my disappointment in your recent statements regarding the priority of our response to COVID-19. To quote your interview on WIBC, "It is always the American government’s position to say, in the choice between the loss of our way of life as Americans and the loss of life, of American lives, we have to always choose the latter."

I believe this statement to be fundamentally incorrect. The American way of life does not exist without American lives. If one of your family members contracted the virus, suffered and died, would you feel relief and satisfaction that at least the American way of life had been sustained for you personally?

Or if you were the one to have it, what would your personal reaction be as you lay on your deathbed? I doubt that it would be gratitude that the economy might regain its strength once you were no longer a drain on it.

Please take this opportunity to refocus your perspective on what is truly important in life. Because without health and life, the economy truly does not matter.

Noel Sutton
