Letter: Thank you for your sacrifice

To the editor:

We’re all getting antsy, I get it. People want to get back to normal lives, I get it. People believe it’s time to put on our ‘big boy’ or ‘big girl’ pants and get on with it, I get it.

We all have the constitutional right of free assembly and are free to exercise it so long as we don’t infringe on someone else’s right to protect themselves from germs and viruses.

I have just one request on behalf of people who are at higher risk of serious complications or dying from this virus. If you are out in public and not particularly paying any attention to ‘social distancing’ please identify yourself. Carry a flag, carry a sign, or wear a red hat. I only ask that you identify yourself in some clear, unambiguous way so that way the rest of us can give you a wide berth.

This way we can all live our lives as we want.

Oh, one more thing. Our public health system is stretched and healthcare workers are getting tired. If you or your mother or grandmother or your son or your uncle,or your spouse, etc. should need an ICU bed or a ventilator because you caught this virus, I expect you to forego using that precious resource in favor of someone who took precautions to not get infected. You are willing to die in order to save our economy, right? Thank you for your sacrifice.

Thomas Blake
