Letter: Thank you, Stan

To the editor: 

In a world of racial strife, protest and societal upheaval, I wish to submit a letter to the editor about the passing of a wonderful individual, Stanley O. Montgomery.

Stan, an African-American, was first and foremost a husband, father, friend and colleague to many. I first met Stan in the early 1970s as he served as a volunteer football coach. He would go on to become my baseball coach as well. I can remember Stan transporting players to and from practices. His station wagon would be loaded down with young black, white and Hispanic players. Many were poor while others were from middle to upper-middle income homes. Stan did not care about the pigment of your skin, ethnicity or your income group. We were all the same in his eyes and we viewed him the same way.

We all respected Stan, a former Marine, who treated us like adults and provided tough love on many occasions. I often come in contact with former players and teammates. What do we talk about? We talk of Coach Stan and the many things he taught us. I can only speak for myself, but it is a common theme. Stan taught us to work hard, accept each other as teammates and understand that not one thing will be handed to us in life. He touched and influenced so many lives in that way.

Years passed, Stan aged and his health deteriorated. I had the chance to visit him in early 2019. I wanted him to know just how much he influenced me and my life. Further, I wanted him to know how he impacted the lives of others and the deep love they had for him. We visited and discussed names, teams, wins and losses. I would update Stan when a familiar name came up during our visit. He took great pride when hearing about each and every one. It was evident that these former players became his friends and that he was genuinely interested in each one.

Stan demanded that I go to lunch with him that day. However, I was unable to do so because of a tight schedule. He asked that I return and that he’d treat me to lunch. I wish I had gone to lunch with him that day. Unfortunately, I was not able to do a return visit and never had that lunch with Stan. He passed away on June 2.

I am not sure if this story is of interest to any readers. I merely wanted to share this after reading and watching everything that has unfolded in our nation in recent days and weeks. It is all so tragic. For some strange reason, Stan was on my mind during this time. Then I learned of his passing. It is amazing how a single man, a man of color, could successfully reach across racial lines and income levels to serve as a coach, teacher, mentor and become a friend to so many.

Looking back it was pretty simple to understand why. Stan was honest, respectful and compassionate toward others. My guess is we all can learn from the legacy of a human being like Stanley Montgomery. He was loved by all who knew him and will be greatly missed. Thank you, Stan, for all that you gave us during your life.

David C. DeWitt

New Albany