Independence Park opens Saturday after months of construction

A popular Greenwood park reopened Saturday after months of construction to replace its outdated playground equipment.

Independence Park, located on Morgantown Road in Greenwood, attracts about 100 to 150 guests each day, and the Johnson County Parks and Recreation Department decided it was time for a makeover earlier this year, Superintendent Megan Bowman said.

The 13 1/2-acre park underwent a complete renovation starting March 18, to replace the playground equipment that was nearly 20 years old. Working with the Johnson County Youth Leadership Academy, the parks department designed brand new equipment that is inclusive to all children, Bowman said.

Similar to the inclusive playground that opened in 2018 at Heron Park in Franklin, Independence Park now has new slides, swings and jungle gyms that are all wheelchair-accessible.

"It looks totally different," Bowman said. "Playgrounds have really come a long way in 20 years."

Additional parking spots were also added as part of the construction due to the high traffic the park sees most days. Work on the park did take a little longer than expected due to construction delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic, she said.

"It was definitely closed longer than we wanted it to be, but we’re definitely excited to get it online again and get people back in there," Bowman said. 

The playground is completely open with no restrictions, but social distancing is strongly encouraged among park-goers, she said. The parks department cleans and sanitizes the equipment once a week. 

The project cost about $325,000, and the parks department has paid off about half of it so far, Bowman said. The department is still accepting donations, which can be made by calling the office or emailing Bowman. Donors can choose to have their name engraved on a brick that will be placed at the park, she said.

"I hope people enjoy it as much as we think they will," Bowman said. 

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The Johnson County Parks and Recreation Department is accepting donations to pay for Independence Park’s new all-inclusive equipment. Here’s how to donate:

Call the parks department office at 812-526-6809;

Email Superintendent Megan Bowman at [email protected].
