Be wary of who Mr. Leppert calls our ‘friends’

To the Editor:

In reference to guest columnist Michael Leppert’s June 25 column: America’s old friends are friends with us again:

People will always consider someone a “friend” who gives them free money and protections no matter how much it’s self destructive to the giver.

Those aren’t traits of a good friendship.

The Biden’s are definitely not as friendly as a POTUS should be to and for his country.

As always, bashing former president Donald Trump as a bully for being an America First President, this time Leppert says Trump’s approach was more akin to an aggressive bill collector more driven to settle financial scores which had been reduced to the simplest of terms.

I don’t know who Leppert is talking about as former president Trump is the only president who was bold and presidential enough to go after those actual “reduced to the simplest terms” that were actually not simplest of terms funds.

Thank you former president Trump for taking us out of the global nanny business we taxpayers have been funding for far too long and getting our money back we need here.

Leppert ridiculously gives kudos to his seemingly messiah President Joe Biden for his recent meeting with Russia’s Vladimir Putin while chiding House Minority Leader Kevin McCarty for recalling the past Putin/Russian history out as for why former president Trump stood up and against Putin.

Again, thank you former president Trump.

After the charade of the Helsinki meeting three years ago, Leppert laments McCarty’s “hypocrisy” for not calling out Trump for giving Putin a “free pass” for allegedly accepting Putin’s denial of the 2016 election interference over the finding of American intelligence agencies.

At that same time, those American intelligence agencies were and still are embroiled in treasonous corruption and anti-Trump sentiments that many American people believed Putin over them.

Additionally, the cut throat Clinton and DNC scandals were more the issue on voters’ radars during that election. Putin is their scapegoat they blame and hide their self destructive criminality behind.

If Biden was so successful with Putin, why is Putin on many news clips laughing at and making a mockery of Biden and his flash cards, shaking his head in disbelief.

Leppert esteems Putin’s meeting with Biden was “constructive,” but that can have a broad or opposite meaning in reference toward the United States. Putin saying anything doesn’t mean “friendship.”

Even on the surface of things, it didn’t look or seem so “friendly.”

A friend is someone you can trust and count on regardless. None of the “friends” Leppert mentioned meets that prerequisite as “friendship” is contingent on handouts or buying it.

Citizens, be wary of who or what Mr. Leppert calls our “friends.”

Darrell G. Walton
