Partisanship is nothing more than a raw struggle for power

To the Editor:

Political partisanship as practiced in America today is often compared to tribalism, but it is in no way tribalism.

The overall goal of tribalism is the welfare of all members of the tribe. Working together, the members of a tribe can take and defend a territory that will provide the resources they need to live and flourish. The territory will include sufficient water, game, arable land, fuel for cooking and warmth, and a defensible group site where a community of members can live together.

The tribe will defend their territory because their lives depend on it. Any effort by another tribe to take their territory or steal their resources will be met with the most vigorous and bloody defense. The customs, manner of dress and speech patterns, all reinforce their tribal identity and set them apart from other tribes. The territory provides the means to live, physical security and a community working for the benefit of all.

Political partisanship is not tribalism, for, unlike tribalism, the goal is not the welfare of the people the politicians are elected to serve, but the welfare of their party. Partisan politicians will throw their supporters to the dogs (or throw millions out of their apartments) if it will damage the opposing party.

The goal of partisanship is to win at all costs: to remain in power and to destroy, if possible, the opposing party. Nothing is allowed to stand in the way of partisanship — not lies, hypocrisy, misinformation, collusion, even corruption or illegal activities (think Watergate). Partisanship is nothing more than a raw struggle for power.

Political parties as they operate today are a serious threat to our democracy. If any tribe of people was divided into two groups, each constantly at political war with the other, the tribe would not survive for a single generation.

We can’t rely on politicians to tamper down the out-of-hand partisanship, only the electorate speaking with one voice, saying “enough” and electing people willing to work together for the good of all, will bring about change for the better.

Jim Curry
