
A very happy anniversary for the stock market

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; It was one year ago that the terrifying free fall for the stock market suddenly ended, ushering in one of its...

2nd Canadian to go on trial in China on spying charges

BEIJING — A Beijing court was is expected to put on trial Monday a second Canadian citizen held for more than two years on...

In Myanmar’s hinterland, army uproots ethnic Karen villagers

BANGKOK — In the jungles of southeast Myanmar, the army was shooting and otherwise tyrannizing civilians long before last month’s military coup. ...

Taiwan kicks off vaccination drive with AstraZeneca shot

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Health care workers received the first shots in Taiwan's COVID-19 vaccination drive Monday, beginning a campaign that won't use supplies from...

Supply bottlenecks leave ships stranded, businesses stymied

<p>NEW YORK &mdash; A trade bottleneck born of the COVID-19 outbreak has U.S. businesses anxiously awaiting goods from Asia — while off the coast...

Supply bottlenecks leave ships stranded, businesses stymied

NEW YORK — A trade bottleneck born of the COVID-19 outbreak has U.S. businesses anxiously awaiting goods from Asia — while off the coast...

UK: Shortfall in vaccine deliveries will delay jabs

<p>LONDON &mdash; British health authorities say COVID-19 vaccinations for people under age 50 may be delayed for up to a month amid a shortfall...

China slams US plan to expel phone carriers in tech clash

BEIJING — China’s government on Thursday called on Washington to drop efforts to expel three state-owned Chinese phone companies from the United States in...

Myanmar junta chokes information flow as protests intensify

YANGON, Myanmar — Authorities in Myanmar arrested a spokesman for ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s political party as they intensify efforts to choke...

Envoy protests mandated virus tests for foreigners in Seoul

<p>SEOUL, South Korea &mdash; Britain’s ambassador to South Korea on Thursday criticized South Korean health authorities for mandating coronavirus tests on all foreign workers...