
Google fined $1 million for misleading French hotel rankings

PARIS — Google has agreed to pay a fine of 1.1 million euros ($1.3 million) after French authorities concluded the search engine displayed “misleading”...

Boy in Switzerland dies after homemade igloo collapses

<p>BERLIN &mdash; A 7-year-old boy has died in eastern Switzerland after a homemade igloo collapsed on him and his father, police said Wednesday.</p> ...

Bulgarian prosecutors say heroin found in cargo from Iran

SOFIA, Bulgaria — Bulgarian customs officials confiscated more than 400 kilograms (880 pounds) of heroin from a ship transporting goods from Iran, prosecutors said...

Sicilian village cleans up ash, stones from Mt Etna eruption

PEDARA, Sicily — Residents and municipal teams worked Wednesday to clean up a Sicilian village near Mount Etna after Europe’s most active volcano spewed...

Serbian capital Belgrade sees clubbing flouting virus rules

BELGRADE, Serbia — Authorities in Serbia’s capital Belgrade on Monday held an emergency meeting over a surge in night clubbing that has drawn thousands...

In a blow to Ryanair, EU court approves state help measures

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; A top court has ruled that measures introduced by France and Sweden to help some airlines weather the fallout of coronavirus restrictions...

UK performers say post-Brexit visa rules spell disaster

LONDON — Leading British actors including Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart and Julie Walters warned the government on Tuesday that the U.K. culture sector faces...

Conte’s last hurrah? Italy’s ‘simple citizen’ plots return

<p>ROME &mdash; When Giuseppe Conte left the Italian premier’s office over the weekend, Chigi Palace employees leaned out the windows to warmly applaud him...

Denmark: Man charged with planning terror attack

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — A naturalized Danish man was charged Monday with planning to commit an act of terror in an unknown location in Denmark...

French Caribbean fights to keep pesticide case alive

<p>SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico &mdash; Agricultural workers who have long sought compensation for contamination from a pesticide banned in France but used in the...