Middle East

Rocket falls near Iraqi base housing US troops, no one hurt

BAGHDAD — At least one Katyusha rocket fell close to the perimeter of a military base that hosts U.S. troops in northern Iraq on...

Netanyahu to leave prime minister’s residence by July 10

JERUSALEM — Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and his family will leave the country's official prime minister's residence no later than July 10, Netanyahu...

EU diplomat: mistrust at core of Lebanon political crisis

BEIRUT — A struggle for power and strong mistrust is at the heart of the fight between Lebanese political leaders and the deadlock over...

EU threatens Lebanese politicians with sanctions over crisis

BEIRUT — The European Union’s foreign policy chief Saturday berated Lebanese politicians for delays in forming a new Cabinet, warning the union could impose...

Palestinians clash with Israel police at Jerusalem holy site

JERUSALEM — Palestinians protested after Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem and briefly clashed with Israeli police, leaving three demonstrators wounded. ...

In Iran’s subdued election, many voters appear to stay home

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — As Iranian state TV showed people streaming to cast their ballots Friday and news anchors praised them for coming...

AP Interview: UN aid chief says we must tackle crises causes

UNITED NATIONS — The outgoing U.N. humanitarian chief warned that “the explosion” in needs for humanitarian assistance in recent years will keep getting worse...

Iran nuclear deal hangs in balance as Islamic Republic votes

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iran's tattered nuclear deal with world powers hangs in the balance as the country prepares to vote on Friday...

EXPLAINER: Iran vote to determine next president, direction

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Iran's presidential election Friday will determine who will lead the country's civilian government as tensions remain high between the...

Israeli officer charged in killing of autistic Palestinian

JERUSALEM — Israeli prosecutors on Thursday charged a border police officer with reckless manslaughter in the deadly shooting of an autistic Palestinian man in...