
Working out on journey that never truly ends

When I was in my mid 20’s, I took a Taekwondo class with my sister Debbie at IUPUI — which could’ve been mortifying. ...

Tales of trouble at grocery store

My wife says I’m not a spiritual person, but I believe I could be someday. I mean, you have to have faith. ...

Valentine’s Day

We all have them. Memories of Valentine’s Day. Whether old or young, most of us remember smiles, laughter, and love on this special day....

People matter most when creating efforts to promote economic prosperity

In most my dealings with questions of economic development I run across men and women who view themselves as pragmatic doers, totally immune from...

How to tell if Congress is working again

There have been encouraging signs that the Republican leadership on Capitol Hill wants to make Congress function again. They’ve talked about using conference committees...

Tower shines light on flag’s history

It's one of the tallest torches in the nation, it's brand new, and it's in Mooresville. Of the more than 900 Indiana...

Facing the ‘cost disease’ in educating children

It is not difficult to find fault with the rising expenditures in higher education, or to feel frustrated with the ever greater cost of...

Private sector has come to Flint’s rescue

By now everyone has heard something about the crisis in Flint, Michigan. Residents there suddenly have highly contaminated water coming out of...

Those who remember to say thank you, a reminder to us all

I don’t know about you, but I enjoy reading the Hearts and Darts on the editorial page of the Daily Journal. It’s the little...

Drinking and exercise? Give in to beer pressure

I like to read newspaper articles containing the words “exercise” or “workout” in the headline, hoping that new research will prove the whole thing...