
New year brings new day with new possibilities

What will 2016 bring? What will Jan. 2 bring? Expect mistakes If it was Jan. 2, 1860, I could anticipate...

Restricting aid for able-bodied not un-Christian

“For the poor you have with you always, but you do not always have Me.” — Jesus Christ In a letter to...

Final week of year needs catchy name

Even if for some reason you don’t celebrate, observe or participate in any of the various winter holidays, the majority of the people in...

5 simple tasks to help get a jump on another new year

The Christmas presents sit unwrapped under the tree, the decorations begin to find their way back into boxes, and the cookies quickly disappear from...

Shout outs from the past year

And now, part two of my look back at 2015 and to all the experiences and people that made writing this column possible, like… ...

The public-private partnership trap

A trend recently in economic development circles has been to encourage public-private partnerships. In this kind of partnership, the government partners with a private...

Regional cities program reveals Indiana’s values

Recently three Indiana regions were blessed by Gov. Mike Pence and the Indiana Economic Development Corp. with $84 million in tax dollars. This largess...

Petextrians: Heads up, phone down, left, right, left, right

It’s official — we’re dumber than we thought. The New York Times recently published a piece on the dangers of distracted walking (walking glued...

Remember those serving nation during holidays

The holiday season can be exciting and overwhelming for everyone as we prepare for parties, arrange travel and shop for gifts, but it’s important...

Clean power plan would kill coal, hurt Indiana economy

Whatever the potential benefits of President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, this much is clear: It would kill Indiana’s coal industry and devastate our...