
Lost teddy nearly unbearable

There was a small birthday party at the house the other day. Amid the whirlwind of people leaving — with kids scrambling for shoes...

Indiana needs to diversify

“How has Indiana’s economy changed in the 21st century?” the young reporter from the Weekly Swine & Whine asked. From the voice on the...

Following foot surgery, it’s one step at a time

Being a runner and a bit of an obsessive person, I am well aware of how fanatic we road warriors can get with our...

‘Stuff happens’ will soon happen again without gun reform

WASHINGTON Here we are again trying to make sense out of a culture that supports the unfettered dissemination of instruments meant mainly...

Crumbling U.S. roads can’t wait

Our roads, highways, bridges and transit systems are in terrible shape in many parts of the U.S., and they’re getting worse. There’s a solution...

Who would want a toilet that’s smarter than they are?

For more than three months, I totally avoided offering any input into our kitchen remodeling process. If I had contributed my ideas, we would...

Religion can build understanding

When I began teaching at Franklin College in 1978, religion was usually relegated to the back pages of the newspaper. On those pages, the...

Teaching your kids skill of money management

No matter how old or young, your child needs skills — skills to survive in the world, skills to provide for themselves and their...

Savoring the joys of a road less trodden

Becky and I have learned over these wedded years that if we don’t go away for our anniversary, we will spend the day doing...

America faces challenges to representative democracy

People who care about the United States’ place in the world often fret about challenges to representative democracy from other countries. I’d contend that...