
The lessons of Mounds Lake

Two town council votes ended any realistic chances that Mounds Lake would ever be built. The very timely demise of this proposed 2,100-acre reservoir...

Fall time: Bagging Halloween candy, Thanksgiving turkey

I am not one to bring on the fear-mongering, but after the super-moon lunar eclipse last Sunday evening, I just realized that as of...

Of highlights, low ponts and outrageous pun-ishment

Here’s Part II of my favorite TV moments in 35 years. It seems like yesterday that I was standing in front of a camera...

Flying through memories of

Jack Larson died, and a little piece of my childhood died with him. Larson, in case you missed the news, was the...


My sister is young and healthy. Or, at least, I thought she was. At 31 years old, Katie has always been active...

Don’t let moving day pack your budget away

Moving into a new home brings excitement and energy into our lives. Whether it’s your first apartment or that adorable starter home...

Indiana Amish community thriving, growing

In an era of declining church membership for most Christian denominations, one group of believers is experiencing healthy, unprecedented growth. In 2014,...

Life’s greatest adventure has ups, downs — most of all, value

Someone asked me last week if I’d ever been in the back of a police vehicle, to which I quickly started to answer, “No,...

Representative government our greatest strength

With a presidential election year fast approaching, we’re in for a lot of public talk about the state of American democracy. Much of that...

What have you learned in the past 30 days?

Checking on sentence. sss I’m not sure where August went, but now we’re halfway through September. To pause for a brief second,...