
Making a pilgrimage to city of memories

In my mind, Denver was a place of myth long before I ever actually visited. I read Jack Kerouac’s "On The Road" as a...

Thinking warmly about public pools

With the school year ended and the weather finally showing some hint of summer, pools across Indiana have opened. I was even temporarily able...

Thinking warmly about public pools

With the school year ended and the weather finally showing some hint of summer, pools across Indiana have opened. I was even temporarily able...

Happy birthday to you, Hal/’Harlow Hickenlooper’

A friend of mine has a birthday coming up Monday, and I’m hoping it’s a doozy. He’s going to be 88, after all, and...

Morton Marcus June 4

In this spring of our discontent with our state government, my columns became unusually negative. Many readers chastised me for that. They believe Indiana...

Teachers today can’t say certain things

It’s hard to teach kids right from wrong when the adults around them are terrified of the very words. Several teacher friends...

Use these meal tips to serve up some hefty savings

Everyone wants to spend less when they head to the grocery store. No one wants see food go to waste. When we don’t pay...

Old Sydney’s back, thanks to modern science

Our dog, Sydney, is around 13 dog-years old. He was having trouble walking and climbing up on things — our bed, for...

Congress shirks duties, sits as spectator to ‘war decisions’

A few weeks ago, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia made a small splash in the press when he took Congress to task for failing...

Beagle Barney unforgettable, even without license plate

It’s been a rough week for me. We had been together for almost 25 years, and we were very attached. For reasons...