
Jokes aside, Letterman master comic, TV host

Top 10 reasons I’ll miss David Letterman 10. The monologue. Unlike other hosts, Dave is quick to admit when one of his...

On age in United States: No gray area behind inventors of ‘new 40’

I read the other day that, as ages go, 60 is the new 40. (For mathematical and all other purposes, 60 remains the old...

Governor was swayed on needle-exchange program

Gov. Mike Pence declared that the needle-exchange measure passed in the waning hours of the legislative session “will save lives.” That’s a 180-degree turn...

Involved voters can cure legislative schizophrenia

The General Assembly has gone home; Hoosiers are breathing easier again. Although our legislators did a few sensible things, this session will be remembered...

Different tune: Norway moving away from FM

In April, Norway’s ministry of culture announced that on Jan. 11, 2017, the Scandinavian country will begin shutting down its FM radio band as...

Avoid shock at grocery check out

Is there anything worse than being in the check-out line and wondering what on earth you’ve just purchased to add up to so much?...

Wisdom, not expertise, needed at home and abroad

We are in one of those times of history when we yearn for wisdom. Not expertise, but wisdom. Any evening news program...

Medical procedure helps to put things into better perspective

They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone, and it’s true. I miss solid food. Oh, I have food...

Medical procedure helps to put things into better perspective

They say you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone, and it’s true. I miss solid food. Oh, I have food...

An excess of domestic assets in too little space

Every now and then the “Let’s move” virus infects us. We love our house, its amenities and location, but we are susceptible to the...