
State should get rid of lobbying law loophole

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team has announced that registered state and federal lobbyists will not be allowed to serve in the Trump...

Flight 370: Still seeking answers

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS) After more than two years of searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, officials now doubt they even have been looking in...

Flight 370: Still seeking answers

<strong>Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (TNS)</strong> After more than two years of searching for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, officials now doubt they even have been looking in...

FBI quietly expands hacking powers

The Orange County Register (TNS) The FBI quietly acquired sweeping surveillance powers, beginning Dec. 1, it had sought for years, and the change came without...

FBI quietly expands hacking powers

The Orange County Register (TNS) The FBI quietly acquired sweeping surveillance powers, beginning Dec. 1, it had sought for years, and the change came without...

Student loan help a good first step

<strong>Chicago Tribune (TNS)</strong> Today’s college students have a lot to look forward to: They graduate. They get a job. They move out. And then, come...

Student loan help a good first step

Chicago Tribune (TNS) Today’s college students have a lot to look forward to: They graduate. They get a job. They move out. And then, come...

Are drug-makers inflating prices?

<strong>PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE (TNS)</strong> When someone complains about the cost of medications, pharmaceutical companies like to cite research and development costs or deflect blame in other...

Are drug-makers inflating prices?

PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE (TNS) When someone complains about the cost of medications, pharmaceutical companies like to cite research and development costs or deflect blame in other...

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

EDITOR’S NOTE: In keeping with a Christmas Eve tradition, the Daily Journal presents the famous newspaper piece, “ Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa...